Tranducfurnishings offer high-quality materials for furnishings with a variety of coating methods. We accelerate in-house production capabilities by investing PVD coating based on clients’ demand.
Physical vapor deposition (PVD) is a method for creating a metallic vapor that may be formed as a thin, strongly adherent pure metal piece coating on electrical conductor objects. Utilizing a cathodic arc generator, the phase is carried out in vacuum conditions.
PVD coating enhances hardness, wear resistance, and oxidation resistance better than other methods. That is why it has applications in many industries, which require metal products or metal components. However, it is an expensive coating method. It results in high-end products for watches, semiconductors, automobile parts, and luxury hotel furniture.
lectroplating is a method that has been utilized in the industry for a long time. It is a type of plating that uses very little energy. Electrons arrive at the substrate with relatively little energy and deposit on the surface since it is a low-energy electrochemical process. In this procedure, large edge build-ups are typical and unmanageable. The homogeneity of the deposit might also be affected by the component shape. Electroplating channels and cracks without a big build-up on the outside edges is extremely challenging.
In comparison, electroplating may provide thicker coatings. Physical vapor deposition, like electroplating, offers a product a decorative look as well as enhanced strength and endurance. PVD is distinct in that it refers to a series of coating manufacturing methods that take place in a vacuum that is manufactured artificially.
In many cases, PVD proves itself as a better solution.
However, the coating can be more expensive due to high initial investment and high process energy.
In the luxury hotel furniture industry, Tranducfurnishings offer high-quality materials for furnishings with a variety of coating methods. We accelerate in-house production capabilities by investing PVD coating based on clients’ demand. The coating requires our strict attention and investment in every single hotel furniture piece. From sample to mass production, our effort is to bring about great appearance, color, and longevity for hotel projects.
As a result, we receive client satisfaction.