How Sheraton Waikiki Hotel Look Like After Hotel Renovation

The 50-year-old hotel is offering over 1600 rooms, which are all newly renovated. With honor, Tranducfurnishings was a part of the hotel renovation as a hospitality furniture manufacturer in Vietnam. The building has been regarded as a great location in Hawaii. The developers emphasize blue ocean color within neutral interiors. The furnishings bring about a mild tone.

1. Hotel Project Development

On Waikiki Beach of Hawaii,  the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel is a luxury hotel for leisure travelers. It was constructed in 1971 and is now organized by Marriott Brands and controlled by Kyo-Ya Company. 

Image 1: Hotel Furniture Project in
Tranducfurnishings (a hotel furniture manufacturer in Vietnam)

Kyo-Ya is the second-largest banker in Japan. In 2014, they successfully acquired 4 prominent hotels & resorts in Hawaii. These include the Sheraton Waikiki; the Sheraton Maui; The Royal Hawaiian and; the Moana Surfrider. The company is dedicated to maintaining Waikiki’s position as a global luxury destination. They completed investment plans to upgrade these accommodations as high-end hotel renovation projects.

2. Hotel Renovation Project

The latest renovation was completed in 2020. The $188 million renovation project was part of the multi-year redevelopment effort for the resort in Hawaii. The 31-story hotel boasts 1,636 newly refurbished rooms, updated convention centers, also new landscapes and swimming pools, and new restaurants.

Sheraton Waikiki - Hawaii, USA - Tran Duc Furnishings (1) Hotel Renovation
Image 2: Hotel Furniture Project in Tranducfurnishings (a hotel furniture manufacturer in Vietnam)

3. Interior Design and Hotel Furniture

Sheraton Waikiki renovation offers lighter, brighter spaces with well-chosen amenities to improve visitors’ relaxation and performance. The interior and furniture design emphasize spectacular ocean views with neutral colors. A bed frame with adequate bedside recharging and a bespoke closet are just a few of the smart touches. They use custom hotel furniture. A sophisticated vanity unit with a mirror is integrated with dimming and an attractive shower area with modern fittings.

Sheraton Waikiki Hawaii USA Tran Duc Furnishings 13
Image 3: Hotel Furniture Project in Tranducfurnishings (a hotel furniture manufacturer in Vietnam)

With honor, Tran Duc Furnishings  was a part of the renovation as a hospitality furniture manufacturer in Vietnam. From factories to luxury hotels, we dedicated furniture production to Sheraton Waikiki for several years ago.

4. Luxurious Accommodation Defines Hotel Guest Experience

Sheraton Waikiki Hawaii USA Tran Duc Furnishings 15
Image 4: Hotel Furniture Project in Tranducfurnishings (a hotel furniture manufacturer in Vietnam)

Sheraton Waikiki, provides unrivaled accessibility to one of the world’s most beautiful lengths of the seaside, along with spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean. The Sheraton Waikiki is a 31-story with 1,636 hotel guestrooms, all of which feature exquisite Sheraton Sleeping Experience Bedding and other special facilities. The visitors may enjoy morning coffee or take time during the sunset on Waikiki Beach. All of the hotel rooms offer a wonderful experience with a variety of sea activities such as swimming, surfing, and others

Established in 2000, Tran Duc Furnishings has been specialised in exporting high-end hotel furniture which is located in Binh Dung province and taken 50minutes drive from Ho Chi Minh airport / downtown. In the present, Tran Duc Furnishings becomes “One Stop Solutions” for hospitality furnishing industry in house facilities consisting of Wooden factory, Upholstery factory and Metal factory.